Apple Unveils Podcast Transcripts, EU App Choice Updates in iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4

Abhi Soni
Image Courtesy : Apple

Apple has released iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4 updates, bringing exciting new features for users, including long-awaited podcast transcripts and expanded app choices for users in the European Union.

Podcast Transcripts:

Podcast Transcripts
Image Courtesy : Apple
  • Read Along and Navigate Easily: Users can now access transcripts for podcasts, allowing them to read along while listening, search for specific content within episodes, and easily navigate to different parts by tapping on the text.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Transcripts are particularly beneficial for users who are Deaf or hard of hearing, improving their access to podcast content. Apple has designed the transcripts with accessibility in mind, using appropriate font and color contrast for improved readability.
Podcast Transcripts
Image Courtesy : Apple
  • Automatic and Creator-Provided Options: Transcripts are automatically generated for new episodes shortly after publication, with older episodes being transcribed over time. Creators can also choose to provide their own transcripts through RSS tags or Apple Podcasts Connect, offering more control over the displayed content.

EU App Choice Updates:

  • Greater App Market Freedom: This update aligns with recent EU regulations, giving users in the European Union more control over their app experience. They can now:
  • Install apps from alternative app stores outside the App Store.
  • Choose alternative browser engines for their web browsers.
  • Set default web browsers other than Safari.
  • Select alternative contactless payment apps for their devices.
  • Use alternative payment methods for certain apps with the “external purchases” badge, with developer support required.

Additional Features:

  • New Emoji: The update includes a fresh set of emoji, including mushrooms, phoenixes, limes, broken chains, and shaking heads. Users can also now use 18 people and body emoji in both directions.
  • Music Recognition Improvements: Music recognition within the Control Center and Lock Screen has been enhanced for better accuracy and performance.
  • Siri Message Announcements: Users can now choose to have Siri announce incoming messages through their AirPods or other compatible headphones.
  • Security Enhancements: The update includes various security improvements to protect user devices and data, particularly for stolen devices.


Podcast transcripts are currently available for English, French, German, and Spanish podcasts, with support for more languages coming soon. Over time older episodes will be transcribed .
The iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4 updates are available for download in over 170 countries and regions.

Apple’s Commitment to Accessibility:

Commenting on the launch, Sarah Herrlinger, Apple’s Senior Director, Global Accessibility Policy & Initiatives, highlighted Apple’s commitment to accessibility: “Podcast transcripts are just one of the many ways we’re working to make Apple products accessible to everyone.”

These updates mark a significant step forward for Apple in terms of user experience and accessibility. Podcast transcripts offer a valuable new way to engage with audio content, while the expanded app choices in the EU empower users with greater control over their devices.

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