Huawei and vivo Settle Patent Dispute with Cross-Licensing Agreement

Abhi Soni

Huawei and vivo have signed a global patent cross-licensing agreement, resolving potential legal disputes and fostering collaboration in the 5G landscape.

This agreement covers cellular Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), including those vital for 5G technology. This signifies a significant step towards smoother cooperation and innovation within the mobile industry.

Key Points of the Agreement:

  • Global coverage: The agreement applies worldwide, eliminating potential legal battles in various jurisdictions.
  • Focus on 5G: The deal specifically addresses patents related to 5G technology, a crucial aspect of modern mobile communication.
  • Mutual respect: Both companies acknowledge the value of each other’s intellectual property, paving the way for future collaboration.


This agreement follows vivo’s recent similar deal with Nokia, resolving a long-standing dispute over patent payments.
vivo boasts a substantial patent portfolio, with over 6,000 families of 5G SEPs and significant contributions to various standard-setting organizations.

Statement from Huawei:

Alan Fan, Head of Huawei’s Intellectual Property Department, expressed his satisfaction with the agreement, highlighting the importance of mutual respect for intellectual property and joint efforts in advancing the industry. He believes this collaboration will ultimately benefit consumers by enabling the development of “better products and services.”

Looking Forward:

This cross-licensing agreement paves the way for a more collaborative environment within the 5G space. By resolving potential legal roadblocks and acknowledging the value of intellectual property, both Huawei and vivo can focus on continued innovation and contribute to the advancement of mobile technology.

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