5 Games That Changed Gaming History Forever

Super Mario Bros (1985)

Super Mario Bros revolutionized the platformer genre, proving that home consoles could deliver arcade-level fun.

Image: IMDB

Doom (1993)

It popularized deathmatch multiplayer, paving the way for modern online shooters.

Image: IMDB

Grand Theft Auto III (2001)

GTA III transformed open-world gameplay with its sprawling city and sandbox mechanics.

Image: IMDB

Halo: Combat Evolved (2001)

Halo raised the bar for console shooters, introducing cinematic storytelling and innovative multiplayer features.

Image: IMDB

Image: IMDB

World of Warcraft (2004)

Super Mario Bros revolutionized the platformer genre, proving that home consoles could deliver arcade-level fun.

Image: IMDB

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