YouTube Premium is rolling out a fresh batch of features designed to enhance the viewing experience for subscribers.

Jump Right to the Good Stuff

Introducing the “Jump Ahead” button, a time-saving feature that leverages the power of AI and viewership data. Double-tap anywhere on the video player (Android only, for now) and this handy button will appear. Tapping it propels you forward to the sections where viewers typically engage the most, bypassing those pesky intros or lengthy recaps. This feature is currently available for US-based Android users, with an iOS rollout coming soon.

Picture-in-Picture for Shorts

Android users rejoice! You can now enjoy YouTube Shorts in a minimized window, thanks to the introduction of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) functionality. This allows you to catch up on your favorite short-form content while multitasking on other apps or staying connected through messages.

A Glimpse into the Future: Experimental Features

Being a YouTube Premium subscriber grants you early access to features still under development.

  • Smart Downloads for Shorts: Never miss a beat with the ability to automatically download a curated selection of Shorts for offline viewing. Perfect for those commutes or times with limited internet access.
  • Conversational AI (US Only): This feature, currently limited to Android devices in the US, acts as your in-video assistant. Simply tap the “Ask” button beneath select videos, and this AI tool will answer your questions and suggest related content, all without disrupting your viewing experience.
  • Redesigned Watch Page: Take a peek at a revamped watch page design currently in testing on the web. This redesign aims to streamline your viewing experience, making it easier to discover related content and engage with comments.

Download and Watch Experience Gets a Boost

Beyond the new features, YouTube is addressing existing pain points to make the overall experience smoother. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Improved Download Management: They’re tackling device storage woes related to downloads, aiming for a more seamless experience.
  • High-Resolution Viewing: YouTube boasts 4K quality across various devices (phones, tablets, TVs, and web), with 8K available on TVs, web browsers, and VR headsets for an ultra-immersive experience.
  • Enhanced User Controls: Features like losing queues and difficulties accessing Premium controls are being addressed.
  • Accessibility of Premium Controls: YouTube is working on making Premium controls more readily available, reducing the number of clicks needed and ensuring the “Continue Watching” feature seamlessly applies to queued videos.

More Options on the Horizon

The focus on user experience extends to exploring new subscription options, expanding to additional regions, and potentially allowing subscribers to share benefits with friends.

With over 100 million subscribers globally across YouTube Music and Premium, these updates solidify YouTube’s commitment to providing a premium viewing experience. So, if you haven’t already, consider jumping on board and exploring the latest content from your favorite creators.


By day, BBA graduate and MBA aspirant Abhi Soni dives deep into the world of marketing, but his true passion lies at the intersection of business and technology. A tech enthusiast at heart, Abhi finds himself drawn to the latest gadgets, trends, and innovations that shape our digital lives. More than just a techie, Abhi brings a unique perspective to the table. His marketing background allows him to analyze the "why" behind the "what" in the tech world. He understands how technology impacts businesses, markets, and consumers, and he's passionate about sharing his insights with you.

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