Calling all Android users beyond the US! Get ready to experience Google’s new Assistant-replacing, Gemini app, even if you’re not officially supposed to yet. While Google hasn’t officially announced a wider rollout, reports suggest Gemini’s reach is quietly expanding to regions like Europe, Asia Pacific, LATAM, Canada, and Africa.

Currently, the official Gemini app from Play Store download isn’t available in most of these regions. But, for the impatient users (like yours truly!), sideloading the app is an option. Yes, it requires some technical know-how and comes with inherent risks, so proceed with caution.

While Google remains mum on an official European launch, users in Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, and others have successfully sideloaded the app. However, some features like voice responses might not work consistently yet.

Even if you don’t sideload, an official rollout shouldn’t be too far off. Google’s product lead for Gemini, Jack Krawczyk, hinted at an imminent launch in these regions, possibly as early as Monday (February 12th). So, a little patience could save you the sideloading hassle.

Gemini app is expanding beyond the US, but official availability varies by region. Sideloading is an option, but proceed with caution. An official rollout in Europe and other regions is imminent. Voice responses might be buggy in some regions currently.

Remember: Sideloading carries risks, so weigh the pros and cons before diving in. And for those who prefer the official route, the wait shouldn’t be too long. Stay tuned for Google’s official announcement!


By day, BBA graduate and MBA aspirant Abhi Soni dives deep into the world of marketing, but his true passion lies at the intersection of business and technology. A tech enthusiast at heart, Abhi finds himself drawn to the latest gadgets, trends, and innovations that shape our digital lives. More than just a techie, Abhi brings a unique perspective to the table. His marketing background allows him to analyze the "why" behind the "what" in the tech world. He understands how technology impacts businesses, markets, and consumers, and he's passionate about sharing his insights with you.

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