YouTube has announced that it is working on a dedicated app for the Apple Vision Pro, although no specific timeline has been provided. The company’s spokesperson, Jessica Gibby, stated that while there are no specific plans to share at the moment, a Vision Pro app is on their roadmap. This development comes after YouTube, along with Netflix and Spotify, initially declined to create dedicated apps for the Vision Pro. The change of heart may be attributed to the launch of an unofficial third-party YouTube app called Juno by developer Christian Selig, as well as the strong initial sales of the headset, which far surpassed earlier predictions.

The absence of a dedicated YouTube app for the Vision Pro had led to the company directing users to access YouTube through the Safari web browser. While the arrival of the dedicated app is anticipated, it is currently unknown whether it will support VR and 360-degree content, which are available on the web version of YouTube.

In the meantime, users have the option to access YouTube on the Vision Pro through the unofficial app Juno, developed by Christian Selig. Juno, available for a one-time cost of $4.99, offers features that enhance the YouTube viewing experience on the Vision Pro.

This development is significant for Vision Pro users who have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of dedicated apps from major content providers. The introduction of a dedicated YouTube app, along with the availability of the unofficial Juno app, is a positive step towards enhancing the content consumption experience on the Apple Vision Pro.


By day, BBA graduate and MBA aspirant Abhi Soni dives deep into the world of marketing, but his true passion lies at the intersection of business and technology. A tech enthusiast at heart, Abhi finds himself drawn to the latest gadgets, trends, and innovations that shape our digital lives. More than just a techie, Abhi brings a unique perspective to the table. His marketing background allows him to analyze the "why" behind the "what" in the tech world. He understands how technology impacts businesses, markets, and consumers, and he's passionate about sharing his insights with you.

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